Covid-19 Vaccination and Side Effects


The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have inoculated several million patients around the world. As more data flows in, we can have a better picture regarding the most important concern for most patients: side effects.

The major side effects are fever and pain at sight of the injection, and later, chills. Patients can try taking Tylenol before the vaccine to minimize the side effects. On the contrary, aspirin and alcohol can magnify the effects if taken the same day before the injection.

Careful and further research on the vaccines’ side effects point to delayed effects. Patients can have reactions up to 14 days after taking the vaccines. Patients who have allergic reactions can have a second reaction several days later. Also, there is growing confusion on the vaccines’ success rate against the coronavirus. Right now, the main criteria for measuring the success of the vaccines is prevention of hospitalization and death. Also the vaccines stimulate neutralizing antibody, bcell tcell and other immune mechanisms. This leads to longer immunity than the antibody level against what the spike protein suggests.

If you need to book an appointment for your allergies or asthma, you can book your appointment online, or call 212-247-7447.


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