Angioedema is swelling between the layers of the skin. The causes include autoimmune disease such as thyroid and systemic lupus erythematosis,rheumatoid arthritis and sjogrens syndrome. in addition certain malignancies such as nonhodgkins lymphoma and hodgkins disease can give off immune antibodies and cause hives and urticaria. Also infectious diseases such as hepatitis and viral diseases can also set off urticaria or swelling on the top of the skin. Also certain physical urticarias such as cold and increased body heat can increase hives. Usually autoimmune angioedema, infections and drugs cause the hives to go on for months. patients should carry an epipien to prevent swollen larynx from causing a life threatening situation. Also a specific genetic disease such as c 1 esterase can cause the body to continuously swell. i will deal with therapies in tomorrows blog.