Vaccine Reducing Infant Pneumonia

Health Canal writes about a recent study that shows a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine reducing rates of pneumonia and related ailments such as sinus infection in infants. The vaccine, known as PCV7, worked to prevent infection by the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria, a bacteria which can cause pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, blood infections, and meningitis. While the vaccine reduced incidents of illness in infants there seemed to be a higher incidence of illness in older children who took the vaccine.Bacteria is one of several causes for sinus infections. Viruses and physical obstructions can also cause sinus infections. Bacterial sinus infections are often treated with antibiotics, which are ineffective against viral sinus infections. While most sinus infections present with the same symptoms the cause of the sinus infections determines the treatment. Determining the cause is best done by providing you doctor with detailed information about your symptoms and when and how they started to appear. For questions and concerns about sinus infections and treatment contact our office.


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