Skin Test

Walking into our office for the first time, some people might not know what to expect.One of the first things that needs to be done is to identify what allergies you suffer from. This is where the skin test comes in. A skin test is a simple procedure that allows us to assess what you may be allergic to and then create a treatment plan that is tailored specifically for you. Because everyone has specific allergy triggers, knowing what you are allergic to as early as possible is important to determine an effective treatment plan.You may be asked to stop taking antihistamines or other decongestant drugs prior to your visit. Some drugs may interfere with the results of the skin test and prevent us from getting the most accurate (and helpful) assessment for you.A skin test takes approximately two to three hours from start to finish. A series of tiny scratches are made on the surface of the back. The scratches are conducted with a small instrument similar to a plastic toothpick, which contains trace amounts of a single allergen, such pollen or mold. If you are indeed allergic to any of the allergens, a small mosquito bite-like bump will appear.But are there any side effects? It is highly unlikely that you will experience any side effect beyond the small bump to the tests that you are allergic to. The size and redness of the bump will depend on the severity of your allergy. Some mild itching may occur, but a topical cream can be applied to reduce any discomfort. This type of reaction is normal and typically clears up in about 20 minutes.Following the skin test, we will review the results with you and determine the treatment plan that is best for your profile. The skin test is just the first step in seeking relief from allergies. Further care includes trigger avoidance, medications and check-ups. Schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step towards diminished allergy symptoms.


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