Sinusitis Seriousness

We've discussed baseball players and golfers battling sinus infections or trying to play while they have them, but in Steamboat Springs Colorado they have a story that highlights the seriousness of sinus infections. The Steamboat Pilot has a story about local rugby leagues and makes mention that their biggest tournament will be in honor of a player who died from complications due to a sinus infection.While a sinus infection is rarely a fatal condition, this is a reminder that they should always be taken seriously. Sinus infections can affect breathing and that can cause a lot of problems. Treating a sinus infection seriously and making sure that you avoid strenuous activity and take appropriate medications is important. Visiting a specialist when symptoms persist is always a good idea. A doctor can help determine a treatment to get rid of the infection as well as provide ways to alleviate the often painful symptoms associated with sinus infections. If you have any questions or concerns about sinus infections or their symptoms,Γ‚ contact our office to make an appointment.


Fungal Sinus Infections


Misdiagnosed as Sinusitis