Preventing Spread of the Flu

The Daily Beacon has an article about taking precautions against the spread of the flu. The best way to fight the flu is to take proactive steps to avoid infection and avoid the spread of infection. Healthier diet and exercise habits are always an important factor in maintaining health and preventing viral infection. In addition being aware of the effect stress has on the body and how it can leave one open to viral infection is important. Maintaining a clean environment, particularly around those who have been infected, is also key. Avoiding contact with those who are infected will also help stem the spread of influenza. For those who may be particularly vulnerable to becoming infected with influenza a yearly flu shot is an excellent step to take.Γ‚ For those infected they can help to prevent spreading the virus further by staying home from work or school until after they have fought the virus off.Taking preventative steps to avoid influenza infection is also important for avoiding sinus infection or other infections that may take hold after the virus has been fought off by the body. Sinus infections are somewhat common and typically do not last longer than 14 days but should still be taken seriously. A bad sinus infection can become more than just a painful nuisance, it can become life-threatening if untreated. If you have questions or concerns regarding sinusitis, contact our office to set up an appointment.


Varieties of Sinusitis


Identifying a Problem Sinus Infection