Food Allergies And College Students

Patients of mine whose kids are entering college and who have food allergies are very concerned when their children may pick an out of town school. They are so used to monitoring their children's eating habits, that they worry that their children won't be as vigilant about their allergies as they were.So what's a mother to do?Well, the organization Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) offers a few suggestions.When choosing a college, ask the college staff whether they have guidelines in helping students manage their food allergies. FARE offers are a few points of interest to consider in allergy school awareness:

  • Make sure the dining facilities are safe by asking the food service director how you can verify the ingredients of each meal.
  • Some schools permit you to bring or rent a Micro-Fridge (a combination refrigerator and microwave), which allows you the option of preparing foods in your room. Find out if the school permits this.
  • Research your housing options to see if you can choose a supportive friend to be your roommate or if you can live in a single room, which can help create a safe and allergen-free living environment.

And also, for some, it is their first time legally drinking. Since drinking can affect the effectiveness of epinephrine use during an allergy attack, before aware of the consequences of consuming alcohol during social occasions that may involve food and drink.For further information, and click on Common Allergies to review information on several common food allergies


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