4 Tips to Allergy Proof your Home

This time of year we are inundated with tips to ease allergy symptoms by allergy proofing your home.  This HSH article, Four Easy Ways to Allergy-proof Your Home from May 2 2012 offers some good, standard advice.

 Seasonal allergy sufferers can be allergic to pollen, pet dander, dust mites, or a mix of all three.  Warmer weather can mean more pollen and when mixed with household dust, the resulting dust mites could make you feel like you have around the clock hay fever.

There are several ways to lower the allergies in your home and get some relief.

Change your home’s air filter.  If you have forced air heating and cooling system, changing a dirty filter is a simple but critical step in ridding your home of sneeze-inducing particles, say Ted Myatt, a senior scientist at Environmental Heat Engineering in Needham, Mass.

Use allergy-proof pillow and mattress covers.  You probably spend more hours of the day in your bed than in any other place in your home, so use dust-proof bed and linen covers if you suspect you are allergic to dust mites. Wash them at least once a week, and make sure the water is at least 130F.  The water needs to be hot in order to kill dust mites.

Make sure your vacuum is HEPA-ready.  If your vacuum doesn’t have enough suction, it can leave behind dander and other particles that provide a steady food source for dust mites, says Caroline Blazovsky of HealthyHomeExpert.com.  Combat that by making sure you have a good high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your vacuum cleaner.

Invest in an air purifier.  Technically these machines are called “room air filters”  which circulate air throughout a room, while at the same time trapping allergy-causing pollen and other particles through filters, all before you have a chance to inhale them.

Learn more about the strategy of Allergy Avoidance to manage your allergies on my website, NYCAllergyDoctor.com. If you suffer from indoor/outdoor allergies, and live in the NYC area, please feel free to contact me for a consultation 866-632-5537.  I have successfully treated NYC allergy sufferers for over 25 years.  Together we can address and resolve your allergy condition.



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