What You Should Know About Ragweed

Even with cooler temperatures many patients still complain about pollen--itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and sinus congestion--signs of ragweed.Other symptoms, include red, puffy eyes, itchy throat, and even hives. Severe cases can lead to chronic sinus problems and even asthma attacks.The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of American just released its list of the most allergy prone cities in America. Witchita, Kansas was the first, followed by Jackson, Missisippi, and Knoxville Tennessee. New York was 56th out of a hundred cities in the allergy rankings. It is however, experiencing the worst rise in ragweed cases in many years.I noticed a recent press release by the allergy foundation that "the top cities are places where ragweed thrives," according to Mike Tringale, vice president of external affairs at AAFA. "In addition, there is some crossover--some grasses are still pollinating."Also, I read there is an indication that two trends are at work regarding the recent spike in ragweed cases. Interestingly, in an article by on online Yahoo News, "climate change may also be extending the growing season of ragweed." The second trend is "frosts are coming later, so the ragweed pollen season is later and is lasting longer, because it is not killed off by the frost," says Richard Weber, a professor of medicine at the National Jewish health Medical Center in Denver, Col.I recommend to my patients to do the following to reduced your pollen exposure as cited in WebMD: "1) stay indoors when pollen counts are the highest; 2) at home and in the car, keep the windows closed and the air conditioner on; 3) change your clothes after you've been outdoors; 4) shower before bed to remove pollen from face and hair; 5) try nasal irrigation. Your doctor can advise you on the best system to do so; and 6) equip your home with HEPA air filters in each room."Need additional help overcoming your allergy symptoms? You can find more information on Seasonal Allergies here Need more help with your allergy symptoms? Contact my office for a consultation - or book online


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