Weight Management and Sinusitis

CNN Health has an article about a woman who is engaged in a long term weight loss strategy and the effects it has had on her health. She notes that during one stage of her efforts she became very ill suffering from sinusitis, bronchitis, and an upper respiratory infection. This was because her efforts were too extreme and her body had entered starvation mode, making her more vulnerable to infection.Maintaining overall good health is a key component to avoiding sinusitis and other infections. In this case, the woman was trying to lose weight with frequent exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Unfortunately, she overdid it and this made her more susceptible to infection. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly is important not just for those seeking to lose weight but is good for overall health. Maintaining healthy habits gives you body the energy it needs to fight infection. If you have questions about sinusitis and how to treat or avoid it, contact our office for an appointment.




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