The Great Outdoors And Summer Allergies

Many of my patients and their children are ready to beat the heat of the city and head towards parks and other open spaces this summer. But even in these temperate climates, a variety of allergies are caused by flora and fauna.An interesting article in Consumer Reports describes what to watch out for outdoor when hiking or camping in the great outdoors.When traveling in heavily tree-laden areas, like parks and forests, watch out for poisonous plants. Poison ivy, oak and sumac are the most common cause of an itchy, skin rashes in these wooden areas. To relieve symptoms, take cool showers or apply cool compresses, If symptoms persist, contact a doctor about the use of a prescription corticosteroid.A variety of bugs are common occurrence in the outdoors during the summer. A particular concern is the tick that triggers Lyme disease and the mosquito that triggers West Nile virus. The areas that tick predominate are in the Northeast or upper Midwest, while the mosquito predominates in hot climates and areas of high rainfall. The tick bite triggers a bull's-eye rash and expands over a few days. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, headaches and aching muscles or joints. The mosquitoe bite triggers symptoms that include an unexplained fever, headache, muscle pain, or weakness and vomiting.To prevent symptoms of both types of bugs, you should apply an insect repellant before going outdoors as well as wear protective clothing such as long pants, long-sleeved shirts, socks and closed toe shoes when walking in insect-prone areas. At the onset of long-lasting symptoms for both insects, immediately contact a physician.Another insect to watch out for are bees. I've seen a number of bee stings on patients in my waiting room. The sting triggers a widespread rash of itchy, red skin bumps that could trigger a serious allergic reaction. As Consumer Reports states "when stung, try to scrape away the stinger with a straight-edge object, such as a credit card. While over the counter remedies include cold compresses and steroid creams can help ease most bites, along with oral antihistamines, if you've had a severe reaction to insect stings, ask your doctor to prescribe an epinephrine injection kit."Finally, be aware of fungal infections. Again, Consumer Reports states "such infections as brownish-red rash on your feet--otherwise known as athlete's foot, groin (jock itch), armpits, and under the breasts in women. If left untreated, a lot of times they will go away on their own." If you bothered by symptoms "wash the affected area daily with soap and water, then dry well. Apply Lotrimin AF creme or miconazole powder or spray for at least two weeks. If symptoms worsen, see your doctor."To learn more:


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