Potential of Asthma Adherence Management to Enhance Asthma Guidelines

A shocking 50% of asthma patients do not adhere to physician  medication recommendations.  The result is unnecessary suffering and even death.
This statistic is the driving force behind a study The potential of asthma adherence management to enhance asthma guidelines as published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
The result...
Studies using individual interventions by themselves were modestly effective in promoting adherence. Two uncontrolled studies of children with severe asthma, treated in both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation settings, used 4 intervention strategies to achieve marked reduction in morbidity and cost. These strategies included: (1) objective adherence monitoring; (2) identification of the cause(s) of nonadherence; (3) delivery of specific strategies for each cause; and (4) use of motivational interviewing communication skills to enhance the delivery of the strategy.
Nonadherence continues to be a significant problem.

Examining successful, organized adherence management programs in a controlled environment is needed "to increase adherence management evidence for future asthma guidelines."

Bottom line... asthma is a serious condition.  Proper control of  your asthma depends on the complete partnership between you and your doctor. If you have any questions or concerns about your asthma treatment plan, do not hesitate to contact your healthcare provider.

Live in NYC and looking for answers to your asthma questions, please contact me - together we can devise an easy to administer treatment plan that will keep your asthma under control.

Visit nycallergydoctor.com for more information.


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