Pet Allergies May Worsen Ragweed Seasonal Allergies

Newswise has an article about a study suggesting that those with allergies to cats, dogs, or dust mites may experience worse symptoms during ragweed allergy season. The study suggests that people with pet allergies may have their immune systems primed by these allergies and once ragweed season starts suffer from a more severe reaction due to it. It is suggested that avoiding allergens like cats, dogs, and dust mites before the start of ragweed season may prevent the quicker onset of symptoms observed in this study.As ragweed season is upon us many will be dealing with the effects of the increased airborne allergens. Any method for helping to prevent a reaction is probably a good step to take. Seasonal allergic rhinitis (seasonal allergies) are, in a way, convenient, because we can anticipate when they will start to effect us and take steps to reduce the impact. If you have questions about seasonal allergic rhinitis and how to better control your allergies, contact our office for more information.


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