Natural Solutions to Winter Sinus Pain

We understand the atmospheric changes of Winter.  These changes can cause aggravated sinuses.  Occasional sinusitis can be irritating, characterized with sneezing and breathing difficulties. Even sense of taste can be affected.If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, your condition should be evaluated by your health care provider.Occasional winter sinus can be prevented by precautionary methods like proper diet and nutrition. Adequate rest and sleep are also beneficial.Here are a few natural remedies that may provide relief for occasional sinus pain:• AcupressureApply pressure to pressure point connected to the sinus, press is the sides of your nose near the nostrils. You can use your fingers to press them simultaneously.• Water Steam and Hot WaterBoil clean water in a kettle, you can add few drops of eucalyptus or tea oil. Be very careful to avoid high temperature burns, remove kettle from heat . Position your face comfortably near the exit of the steam and inhale it. Steam can relax your nasal passage and provide relief from difficulty of breathing. It can also help loosen sticky mucus so that it can be easily expelled.• Plenty of Water and Juice IntakeStay hydrated by drinking plenty of water,  fruit juices (especially those rich in vitamin C).  Apple and dark grape juice are recommended.• Breathing ExercisesInhale, exhale, hold, inhale, hold, and exhale. This can help improve your breathing and clear your air passage. Do this regularly, it can help you breath easily and relieve congestion.• Adequate Rest and Sleep8 hours of sleep and adequate rest can help relieve the symptoms of sinus.Again, chronic sinusitis must be treated by your health care provider.  If you'd like a consultation to relieve your sinus condition, please contact me.Learn more about Sinusitis from the Mayo Clinic.


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