New Report Links Carbon to Pollen Production

Another impact of climate change was presented today in a paper by the Minnesota Department of Health. The paper reiterates; more carbon, higher temperatures, longer growing seasons for weeds and also adds, carbon dioxide loving plants produce greater amount of pollen. Top on this list is the already prolific ragweed family of plants.  Seems allergy sufferers are getting weigh-laid from the mechanisms behind climate change, increased emissions cause higher temperatures, extending growing seasons and then carbon is triggering some plants create more pollen.We've long surmised allergies are affected by climate change; patients are affected earlier, longer, with more severe symptoms. While estimates of seasonal allergy prevalence is varied,  50 million American are affected by nasal allergies and as much as 10 percent of the population in North America is believed to be allergic to ragweed, tree pollen and grasses. People suffering with asthma are often affected by seasonal allergies that trigger their allergic asthma symptoms. People predisposed to sinus infections also see deterioration in their condition due to increase mucus production.Medical technologies and treatments are attempting to keep up with the changing landscape of allergy season. We have tablets and drops to control symptoms in mild to moderate grass allergies, but if you have asthma and are prone to sinus infection - don't wait until your symptoms become severe.  Early control can help you get a jump on the season, lessening the chance asthmatic episodes and sinus infections.We are all contemplating warmer weather as we bundle up to head outside today, anticipating our beautiful NYC springtime.  Keep in mind this growing season, there are several new tools to control your allergies with very minimal side effects.Feel free to contact me in advance of the tree, grass and weeds allergy season if you'd like a consultation on how to overcome your seasonal allergy symptoms. Learn more at  source:


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