Hypoallergenic Pets

I am frequently asked to recommend a "allergy free, hypoallergenic pet."   Now as Valentine's Day is right around the corner, the question has come up again.THERE IS NO ALLERGY FREE DOG OR CAT.Pets with little or no hair are often advertised as such.  However, the  fact remains that protein in the pet's saliva is the allergy trigger.  As the animal grooms or offers an affectionate lick, the trigger is released. Additionally, as the saliva dries the allergen can become airborne.If the pet discussion continues, see an allergist. Depending on the severity of  the allergy, a pet may not make any sense. If the sensitivity is mild, spend time around a potential pet to see how the allergy sufferer reacts.For more on pet allergies visit : Common AllergiesCall my office at 866-632-5537 for a consultation.  Together we can test, diagnose and treat pet allergies.


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