Health Benefits of Chili

In an article about the Marion County annual chili cook off columnist Rick Allen touches on the health benefits of chili and chili peppers. Many have recognized that after eating chili or chili peppers they feel relief from congestion or sinusitis. More recently these anecdotes have found some support in science. Research shows that capsaicin, the chemical in chili peppers that make them "hot," can provide multiple health benefits. According to research capsaicin can fight cancer and high cholesterol; increase metabolism and encourage weight loss; and there is evidence that it reduces inflammation and benefits those suffering from congestion and sinusitis. Sometimes those anecdotal home remedies prove effective.Sinusitis effects people all over the world from every economic class. It can be caused by many factors and can be a mild irritation or a serious impairment to life and work. There are many treatments for sinusitis and plenty of home remedies that people have to offer. It would seem that chili peppers containing capsaicin may be one of those home remedies worth considering. If you've been suffering from sinusitis, particularly if it has lasted more than 8 weeks, then contact our office for an evaluation and to discuss your treatment options.


Sinusitis Can Effect Everyone


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