Chronic Sinusitis and Secondhand Smoke

Helium's health and fitness section has a brief article about a study conducted on the link between secondhand smoke and chronic sinusitis. The article explains how in the study, conducted on non-smokers, a link was found with a higher incidence of chronic sinusitis in those who had a greater exposure to secondhand smoke. Several factors, including the location of exposure, were considered in evaluating the collected data. This link follows the trend of evidence showing the dangers of secondhand smoke.For decades we've seen evidence of the negative health consequences of smoking. With more and more study being done on secondhand smoke we're also seeing that you don't have to be a smoker to be negatively affected by smoking. Evidence is mounting that just being in the presence of smoking puts you at health risk. If you are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke in the home, at work, or in public, and are experiencing difficulty breathing, headaches located behind the eyes, a runny nose, or other symptoms of sinusitis you should seek treatment. Decongestants and avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke can help but if symptoms persist for weeks or even months it's best to consult a doctor. If you have questions or concerns about sinusitis pleaseΓ‚ contact our office for an appointment.


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