Burning Ears

The LA Times Health blog reports on the FDA warning people about the use of ear candles. Ear candles are an alternative treatment offered as a kind of cure-all for everything from excess ear wax to sinusitis to cancer. The use of ear candles involves placing a wax coated tube of fabric in your ear and setting it on fire. As the FDA states there is no valid scientific evidence of any kind of medical benefit from using ear candles. In fact, there are many reports of injury from burns, wax blockage of the ear, and ear drum puncture.It's nice to think there's an easy solution to health problems. Unfortunately, the alternative medicine offerings that claim to relieve a variety of ailments rarely have any evidence to back up their claims. Choosing to use an alternative method to relieve a case of sinusitis could lead to the worsening of that condition if the method is questionable like these ear candles. More dangerous than the alternative method itself is not pursuing treatment for the condition. Sinusitis can become extremely painful and even life-threatening should it go untreated. Before pursuing any treatment consult with a special. For questions and concerns contact our office to set up and appointment.


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